I went to Haiti Wednesday, 2/23, with Chis Rodenbough, our building supervisor, to gain consensus on the building techniques for the new clinic. We met with Justin Cadet, the contractor (who built Dr Gerve's house/guesthouse), and Dr Gerve. Unique challenges include being located on a floodplain, an earthquake fault, and a wet, sandy base. Chis recently built a church on the Zambesi River in Zambia so had experience with the floodplain and wet sandy base, the architect designed the plans to deal with the fault (who successfully designed the nursing school in Leogane that survived the 2010 quake) and general agreements were obtained. The plan includes site prep and incremental costs, initially for the foundation, utility rough-ins and slab ($60,000). Each successive step will require a signature from the contractor and one from PFC. (Funds available) We also talked about stockpiling supplies to take advantage of the favorable currency exchange rate. We did send $10,000 in to get the process rolling. One of the best features of the build is that local labor will be used and for plumbing, electric and cabinetmaking, graduates of our scholarship program, originally funded by OPPC members- Al Atz

Dr. Renaud and his family, Chis and Al

Contractor, Renaud and Al at the build site

Roudelyne and Rebecca